Design and submit a poster for the Lewis Clark Recyclers’ 8th Annual Earth Day Celebration, incorporating digital imagery and typography in a meaningful way to communicate the theme of reducing carbon emissions or supporting environmental sustainability. Your conceptual theme must focus on one of the following Earth Day campaigns (Recycling e-waste, stop oil drilling in Yasuni National Park, planting trees to support The Canopy Project, “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle”).
+ To apply digital imaging techniques to communicate a message of reducing carbon emissions or supporting sustainability
+ To reinforce design principles that support visual choices in creative problem solving solutions
+ To explore the visual relationship created between the use of image and type
Size: 24" x 36" white paper, at least 150 dpi (resolution)
+ Must use photographs in some form. Create a composite, photomontage, collage.
+ You are allowed to use a varietyof different mediums in your final poster (drawing, illustrations, symbols, textures)
+ Final output must be a digital file that can be printed.
+ Required text to include: “Celebrate Earth Day April 22, 2013”**
+ Use Photoshop to prep, adjust and manipulate images
+ Use Illustrator or InDesign for layout of Poster design
+ All imagery used in your poster design should respect copyright laws
Timeline + Deadlines:
Conceptual Brainstorming: Choose campaign theme, and sketch out 5 different/distinct layout ideas due Monday, March 4, 8:30am.
Midpoint Group Crit: Present digital file (PDF) and rough print of poster in assigned group critique on Monday, March 25, 8:30am.
Final Critique: Printed design and all process work (brainstorm mind map, sketches, initial design, midpoint design and final design as PDFs on USB stick) due Wednesday, April 3, 8:30am.
Grading criteria (project 3 accounts for 10% of course grade)
Communication & Aesthetics—50%
Technical Skill—25%
Informational Resources
Lewis Clark Recyclers Inc
Earth Day Network
Save Yasuni National Park
The Canopy Project
Recycling E-Waste
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
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