Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Pair Project: Phase I (Wednesday, Jan 16 Homework)

Using a film or digital camera take at 36 photographs that explore space, form, color and/or composition in an interesting way. You must then bring 25 of your best photos for review to class (next Wednesday, Jan 23). If you use a film camera, get 4x6 prints made by the start of next class. If using a digital camera, be sure to transfer your files to a memorystick by the start of next class.

The subject matter in your photographs is entirely up to you (signs, buildings, objects, nature, etc), however please refrain from photographing smiling posed people. Overall, take into consideration the visual quality of your image: explore intersections of lines and shapes, unique color contrasts, the orientation (portrait or landscape) of your composition.

Please also bring 3 different magazines that are image intensive (art, design, travel, fashion, cooking) to Wednesday’s class. You will be browsing these magazines for unique imagery that can be used (and scanned) in the 2nd Phase of the Pair Project next week.

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